youth groups

美 [juːθ ɡruːps]英 [juːθ ɡruːps]
  • 青年群体
youth groupsyouth groups
  1. Let youth groups ' social mentality benefits their own development and harmonious society .


  2. City youth groups ' changing prompted City Communist Youth League work change .


  3. All youth groups will have to affiliate to the National Youth Agency


  4. In the youth groups launch ecological moral education have great significance .


  5. This influence has spread to the youth groups .


  6. University students majoring in national traditional sports are typical part of youth groups .


  7. Therefore , the youth groups ' social mentality needs nurturing and individuals cultivate united .


  8. To improve the effectiveness of youth groups , contemporary youth moral education research has become of hot topics .


  9. The UN has also expanded its cooperation with research and academic institutions , youth groups and other associations .


  10. It has been accepted that the focus of urban youth groups and the work base of youth are on this terminal .


  11. As a postgraduate student with high cultural level , self and social expects higher youth groups , their happiness requirement is high .


  12. Three groups of perimenopausal use of natural aging rat model , youth groups and older groups of normal young people , older model .


  13. We visited black and Hispanic churches in Chicago 's inner city for exchanges with their youth groups .


  14. It continued to implement two funding schemes to encourage more youth groups and community organisations to participate in community-based projects .


  15. Over time , youth groups have grown to youth groups , 80s ' employees and gradually become the backbone of the current job .


  16. Indeed , youth groups demonstrate its existence with his distinctive cultural characteristics in every corner of the world and in every stratum of social life .


  17. At present , it is true that urban Vulnerable youth groups own powerlessness so that a sense of powerlessness is produced .


  18. Outside of churches and youth groups , we have the opportunity to witness while we paint and leave a lasting impression on a surface .


  19. Network-based youth groups , 18-24 year olds up , accounting for 35.2 % , in this age of Internet users , Internet users Students occupy an important position .


  20. The delegates include education ministers and representatives of civil society , business , labor and youth groups . The meeting , held every three years , is known as the


  21. In the process of building a harmonious society , youth groups have strong aspirations , at the same time building a harmonious society also needs the strong support of the healthy social mentality of the youth groups .


  22. As graduate students are about to enter society , facing a fond memory of the youth groups , on their marriage problems , from age , family and social pressures greater than undergraduate counterparts .


  23. This part mainly discuss the formation , meaning and type of groups , the youth groups and the informal groups of college students respectively , which build an base port and provide the basic theories foundation for the next .


  24. Bread Hanamaki image represents the age of15-year-old comic book-loving youth groups , focus groups , to express this part of the character , life , love , and so on .


  25. Through the investigation , we get a well-round analysis of the Outside-system youth groups , so as to explore the City Communist Youth League to carry out system of youth work with the investigation basis .


  26. With the development and the popularity of Internet , IAD has increasingly become a prominent problem in recent years . The proportion of Internet users of youth groups in the addiction was 14.1 % , about 24,042,000 .


  27. Several hundred members of pro-Kremlin youth groups including Nashi , or Our Own , also marched towards the US embassy in Moscow to protest over US foreign policy towards Kosovo and Iraq .


  28. Taking current condition into consideration , we can empower the vulnerable youth groups with the help of family , youth interaction , community participation and the media so as to improve their ability and provide them with more resources .


  29. In a survey among youth groups in regards to the use and attitude toward Mandarin and dialects of urban language , it is found that many cities have already developed , though research on this matter in Nanjing is difficult to find .


  30. What I have outlined is not my vision , per se ; it is a vision shared by a robust majority of Egyptians , including the many youth groups with whom I have been working closely for more than a year .
